League Financial Statement
Financial Changes
A $ 20.00 fee will be imposed on teams 3 weeks behind in fees and must be paid, along with all money owed before the team can shoot in their next match. A team WILL NOT SHOOT in the playoffs if it is 3 weeks behind in payment. Please check the online stats before Wednesday.
Mistakes can't be fixed after 5:30 PM Wednesday.
Picnic Info
August 17th​
12:00 PM
*Sign-ups for tournaments - must be signed up by 1:30 - no later
*awards at 12:30
*If you're eligible for the top gun and refuse to play in it, you cannot play in the all-star tournament.
*Tables - Front Table - practice
middle table - all-star tournament
back table - top gun tournament
(when practicing on the tables - whether you win or lose, let the next 2 players practice.)
*there will be a 50/50 drawing (between 4 and 5)
*door prizes - all day - you must be present
*3 sticks - top gun gets 1st choice, all-star gets 2nd choice and most improved gets 3rd choice
*food will be ready at 1:00
*beer & food free for players
*$10 for guests - includes beer & food
*$5.00 gets you a wristband to drink liquor all day, see bartender
guests pay ron
hope to see everyone there!!